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Mobile Canner Allows you to keg while we can

28 JULY 2019

If you have a need to keg beer while we are canning, our canning line allows you to do that. This works great for our brewery partners that have a need to quickly free up their bright tank capacity. We were at a brewery last week that wanted to keg while we were canning and this worked beautifully. Other mobile canners they used in the past were unable to allow them to keg while canning.

Our canning line is unique as it has a filler bowl. We have a pump that transfers your liquid from the bulk tank to our filler bowl. Our filler bowl is pressurized at a set pressure, and we control our fill rate into the cans completely independent of the bulk tank. Most other mobile canning lines require a consistent pressure in the bulk tank to control the flow of beer for filling the cans. Once your liquid is in our filler bowl, we have complete control of how this fills into the cans. We only ask that you keep it cold and at a positive pressure in your bulk tank.

WilCraft Can is truly a different mobile canner. Please contact us to determine how you can experience the WilCraft Can difference.

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